Full Moon in Gemini and End of Mercury Retrograde

Eloquent Full Moon in Gemini signing off the end of Mercury Retrograde

During a Gemini moon, can arise strong feelings and coupled with some downsides of the retrograde, things might not have gone smoothly for everyone. For some, the next few days might bring welcoming sighs of relief from « seeing » the other side, however there are silver linings to this period. 

It would be a thought-provoking practice to reflect at what happened during the retrograde; challenges, process, emotions, dreams… And during the few days leading to the full moon. We are in Sagittarius season which is infused with sentiments of freedom, connecting this to the retrograde we could be looking more closely at what felt stifling and frustrating using the energy of the full moon to release it.

Personally, I have had to « work » and dig deeper into the understanding and the practice of acceptance. Which was tough. There was grounding freedom in slowing down. I felt this was leading to the next phase of the moon, and what would come up. I have had some interesting breakthroughs, sometimes on things I knew about but didn’t know how to handle and on new things as well. And this was also true for my entourage.

You could view both phenomenon as separate or complementary, whichever resonates the most with you, just keeping in mind that Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is in retrograde. There are also other common traits as full moons are about completions and letting go, and the retrograde invites us to close loops and cycles. Mercury is the planet of communication, what did it say to you?

There is magnitude under the Gemini Full Moon. Obviously, it always depends where we are at and, what needs clearing, and these can be amplified with Mercury Retrograde. There can be antsy feelings, going back and forth on things so it is a good time to tune in and meditate, quiet the mind, and listen, as this moon can bring its lot of confusion. 

This is the last full moon before the new year, this a powerfully good and positive time to reflect on these suggestions and be willing to let go, bringing closure and loving changes.

🌕 What came up during the retrograde? Make a list of things that you regard as negative and the feelings surrounding them, list also any anecdotic situations.

🌕 Which loops did you close? Situations finally coming to an end.

🌕 What did you accomplish?

🌕 Which patterns or situations need letting go, that prevents you from doing or being? What keeps coming back?

We can also work together on releasing these, or perhaps if you feel stuck or need support identifying and clarifying these. Reach out.

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